Welcome to our collection of free resources. In the sections below, you’ll find activities to boost wellbeing, explanations about the biology behind them and links to other organisations and sites that we wholeheartedly recommend.
Print out this poster (A3) or share it with friends: 8 quick, simple activities that kick-start your nervous system’s natural ability to regulate stress.
The good news is: our bodies and minds are hard-wired to regulate stress.
However, this ability doesn’t depend on us alone. When our bodies start signalling distress, it’s time to invest in wellbeing.
We often try our best not to show we’re struggling out of fear of seen as “weak” or “needy”. Research on how people manage extremely difficult challenges in their lives has shown that the ability to ask for help makes a major difference in whether we develop mental health problems, or not.
If you don’t know who to turn to in your community, please visit United for Global Mental Health’s website, where you will find a directory of helplines around the world.
This toolkit and the campaign #WEAREALONETOGETHER was a joint project of the Peter Möhrle Foundation and the University of Hamburg Medical Center in cooperation with the Ehlerding foundation to provide quick, practical resources for families during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Funded by Germany’s statutory health insurance companies and their associations in the State of Hamburg according to §20 SGB V as part of their efforts towards promoting health in social environments.