Seeking refuge is resilience in action.
Families who seek refuge from war are often described as traumatized. Let’s work together to make sure their resilience doesn’t go unnoticed.
Read about some of the ideas behind our science-backed approach to promoting wellbeing.
Families who seek refuge from war are often described as traumatized. Let’s work together to make sure their resilience doesn’t go unnoticed.
Depending on our experience and values, we all have different ideas about what mental health is. What we all have in common is a body that responds similarly to stress and wellbeing.
Stress isn’t always a bad thing. Read how you can use it to your advantage, and how to tell when it’s time for self-care.
Warum verhalten wir Menschen uns unter Stress manchmal ganz anders als sonst? Wenn wir “aus der Stresskurve fliegen”, kann auch die Höflichkeit flöten gehen…
Conversations about mental health often focus on individual suffering. Bringing an everyday understanding of resilience into the mix shows how mental health is about connection.
Your body has a natural ability to regulate stress. Read about how you can use it to make the most of our toolkit.
Sign up for our newsletter for monthly resilience reminders, helpful resources and information about upcoming events.
Funded by Germany’s statutory health insurance companies and their associations in the State of Hamburg according to §20 SGB V as part of their efforts towards promoting health in social environments.